



Employee Resource Group Leaders, 使命宣言s and 目标



To join the Asian American Employee Resource Group, contact asianERG@ylhskjbjs.com.


The mission of the university’s 亚洲员工资源组 is to foster 网络, 专业发展, 指导, and leadership opportunities with a focus on the recruitment, 保留, 学习, 以及亚洲人在这个机构的进步.


  • Embrace a culture of inclusion and build awareness and appreciation for diversity
  • 参与多元化的发展, 多元化的, 国际社会, which is one of the cornerstones of our university’s overall mission
  • 通过在大学社区中发展和鼓励亚裔美国人的支持网络,将具有相似专业和个人兴趣的成员联系起来,促进网络和职业发展机会
  • Facilitate informal 指导 opportunities by providing guidance, 建议, and training as well as sharing the exciting work being done throughout the university
  • Sponsor professional and personal development workshops, 研讨会, 以及由著名演讲者主持的讲座
  • 确保有关感兴趣的活动和成员的成就的信息在整个大学有效地传播
  • 通过向大学社区提供有关亚洲人对美国文化和社会的历史和当前贡献的信息,培养对亚洲问题的认识
  • Promote and encourage shared cultural and social interests of the AERG membership, and the sharing of these interests with the greater university community
  • 促进学术和行政政策,承认亚裔教职员工的专业成就,并加强大学所有亚裔员工的工人平等
  • Support the dignity of each member’s professional and working careers, 在促销方面给予协助, 任期内, 向上流动, 学术成就, 公平对待



要加入黑人员工资源小组,请联系 berg@ylhskjbjs.com.


The mission of the university’s Black Employee Resource Group is to foster 网络, 专业发展, 指导, and leadership opportunities with a focus on the recruitment, 保留, 学习, and advancement of Black people at this institution.


  • 参与多元化的发展, 多元化的, 国际社会, which is one of the cornerstones of our university’s overall mission
  • 通过发展和鼓励大学社区中黑人的支持网络,将具有相似专业和个人兴趣的成员联系起来,促进网络和职业发展机会
  • Facilitate informal 指导 opportunities by providing guidance, 建议, and training as well as sharing the exciting work being done throughout the university
  • Sponsor professional and personal development workshops, 研讨会, 以及由著名演讲者主持的讲座
  • 确保有关感兴趣的活动和成员的成就的信息在整个大学有效地传播
  • 通过向大学提供有关黑人对美国文化和社会的历史和当前贡献的信息,培养对黑人社区问题的认识
  • Promote and encourage shared cultural and social interests of the BERG membership, and the sharing of these interests with the greater university community
  • 促进学术和行政政策,承认黑人教职员工的专业成就,并加强大学所有黑人员工的工人平等
  • Support the dignity of each member’s professional and working careers, 在促销方面给予协助, 任期内, 向上流动, 学术成就, 公平对待


Ezekiel Holt(临时)

To join the Family/ Caregiver Employee Resource Group, contact caregiverserg@ylhskjbjs.com.


该大学的家庭看护员工资源小组的使命和目的是建议和影响政策, 实践, 资源将创造一个家庭友好的环境,支持作为儿童看护人的员工和学生, 父母, 和/或其他家庭成员.


  • Embrace a culture of inclusion for employees and students who are family caregivers
  • 为员工和学生带来的多样性带来意识和欣赏,他们是家庭照顾者
  • Facilitate forums and focus groups to assess the 需要 of faculty, 工作人员, 学生是看护人
  • Conduct re皇冠365app首页 into the best 实践 for family-friendliness in higher education institutions
  • 提出并促进学术和行政政策,承认作为家庭照顾者的员工的专业成就和需求,从而加强员工的公平
  • Support the dignity of each member’s professional and working career, 在促销方面给予协助, 任期内, 向上流动, 学术成就, 公平对待
  • Help students create a support group for student 父母



Michele Davila Goncalves报道

要加入拉丁裔员工资源组,请联系 latinxerg@ylhskjbjs.com.


The mission of the university’s Latinx ERG is to foster 网络, 专业发展, 指导, and leadership opportunities with a focus on the recruitment, 保留, 学习, and advancement of Latinx members at this institution.


  1. Embrace a culture of inclusion and build awareness and appreciation for diversity.
  2. 参与多元化的发展, 多元化的, 国际社会, which is one of the cornerstones of our university’s overall mission.
  3. 通过发展和鼓励大学社区拉丁裔教职员工的支持网络,将具有相似专业和个人兴趣的成员联系起来,促进网络和职业发展机会.
  4. Facilitate informal 指导 opportunities by providing guidance, 建议, and training as well as sharing the exciting work being done throughout the university.
  5. 赞助商教员 and 工作人员 for professional and personal development workshops, 研讨会, 以及由著名演讲者主持的讲座, 并确保有关感兴趣的事件和成员的成就的信息有效地在整个大学传播.
  6. 通过向大学社区提供有关拉丁裔人民对美国文化和社会的历史和当前贡献的信息,培养对拉丁裔问题的认识.
  7. Promote and encourage shared cultural and social interests of the Latinx ERG, and the sharing of these interests with the greater university community.
  8. 促进学术和行政政策,承认拉丁裔教职员工的专业成就,并加强大学所有拉丁裔员工的工人平等.
  9. Support the dignity of each member’s professional and working careers, 在促销方面给予协助, 任期内, 向上流动, 学术成就, 公平对待.




要加入LGBTQ+员工资源组,请联系 lgbtqerg@ylhskjbjs.com.


大学LGBTQ+ ERG的使命是促进所有教师的个人和专业成长和支持, 工作人员, and administrators employed in any capacity at the institution. ERG致力于创造一个欢迎的环境, 安全, and supportive work environment for members and/or allies of the LGBTQ+ community. ERG通过招募促进了对组成LGBTQ+社区的独特身份交叉性的肯定, 保留, 专业发展, 网络, 指导, 访问各种资源.


  1. Embrace a culture of inclusion and build awareness and appreciation for diversity.
  2. 参与多元化的发展, 多元化的, 国际社会, which is one of the cornerstones of our university’s overall mission.
  3. 通过发展和鼓励LGBTQ+教师的支持网络,将具有相似专业和个人兴趣的成员联系起来,促进网络和职业发展机会, 工作人员 and administrators and/or their allies in the university community.
  4. Facilitate informal 指导 opportunities by providing guidance, 建议, and training as well as sharing the exciting work being done throughout the university.
  5. 赞助商教员, 工作人员和行政人员通过参加讲习班努力扩大其个人和专业发展, 研讨会, 以及由著名演讲者主持的讲座 that have or continue to impact the LGBTQ+ community.
  6. Promote the visibility of the LGBTQ+ community at the university through the effective dissemination of faculty, 工作人员, 以及管理员在他们的工作中为推动我们集体社区的进步所作出的贡献和成就.
  7. Foster awareness of LGBTQ+ issues by providing information, 的角度来看, 以及大学社区关于LGBTQ+人群对美国文化和社会的历史和当前贡献的背景.
  8. 发展和促进LGBTQ+社区及其盟友的社会经验,有助于教师之间建立牢固和支持的关系, 工作人员, and administrators with the intention of furthering 网络 and 指导 opportunities.
  9. 支持和肯定大学的政策和立场,承认LGBTQ+社区成员在促进社会正义和全球公民身份方面的不可或缺的作用.
  10. Support a commitment to worker equity for all LGBTQ+ faculty, 工作人员, 管理人员通过在晋升方面提供帮助和指导,继续努力维护他们职业生涯的尊严, 任期内, 向上流动, 学术成就 公平对待 in the workplace.


Amilya Putzig

To join the Women Empowerment Employee Resource Group, contact werg@ylhskjbjs.com.


The mission of the university’s women’s resource group is to develop programming on campus that provides support, 促进合作, 促进网络, and encourages education and advancement of women on campus.


  1. 与皇冠365app首页社区接触,了解她们作为职业女性所面临的问题,并开发教育和支持女性的项目和工具.
  2. Facilitate collaboration and encourage 指导 for emerging women leaders.
  3. Sponsor professional workshops that provide relevant tools that women need to succeed in the workforce.
  4. Host events that address current issues women are facing.