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What you need to know to get started

Payment Options

个人支票可透过“触网”进行网上电子付款(免费). Review the "How to Make an Online Payment" guide.

All major credit cards are accepted, however, a 2.95%(不可退还的服务费(最低费用$3)将由TouchNet评估, our credit card processor, for credit/debit card payments. 信用卡/借记卡付款必须通过TouchNet通过 Navigator.    

Enroll in an interest-free monthly payment plan through TouchNet, (plan enrollment is a $40 non-refundable fee). Review the "How to set-up a Payment Plan" guide. 秋季计划的注册时间是7月中旬,春季计划是12月中旬,夏季计划是5月中旬. 有关计划可用的具体日期,请参阅TouchNet公告部分.

For international students, 我们现在与TransferMate合作,为您提供透明的支付方式,以减少额外的银行费用,改善您的支付体验. 请注意,我们不再与Flywire作为国际支付选项. TransferMate帮助国际学生在任何国家以当地货币支付学费和杂费. See our International Payment page for additional information and how to guides.

Bank checks and money orders can be mailed to:
Student Navigation Center
Attention: Student Accounts
352 Lafayette Street
Salem, MA 01970

私人学生贷款也有助于支付大学或研究生院的学费. These loans are available through banks, credit unions, online lenders and other financial institutions. Begin your private loan search by visiting our Resource List* (hosted by ELMSelect**)



用于学生从529计划中向皇冠365app首页付款, please use the following address to mail paper checks to. 请确保您的学生证号码在支票上,以便处理.


Student Navigation Center
Attention: Student Accounts
352 Lafayette Street
Salem, MA 01970

如果你获得了皇冠365app首页以外的奖学金, please MAKE A COPY of the award and do ONE of the following:

  • Email a copy of the scholarship award letter to:
  • 到学生导航中心亲自交一份副本
  • Mail a hard copy (NOT THE ORIGINAL) to:
    • Salem State University
      Attn: Student Navigation Center
      352 Lafayette Street
      Salem, MA 01970

Direct Pay  

在学费由第三方(如雇主)直接支付给大学的情况下, organization or embassy), 学生必须尽快向学生账户办公室提供购买订单或第三方支付意向的书面声明. 请确保直接与你的雇主或第三方开始这个对话. They may contact our office directly as well.  

Once paperwork is sent in and processed, 外部付款积分将显示在学生账户上,其金额与第三方达成一致. 如果金额不匹配,请联系学生导航中心 and in the subject use Attention: Third Party.

In the event the third party does not make payment, 学生将承担那些本应由第三方支付的费用. 


退伍军人事务在塞勒姆州立帮助现役和退役军人,以及幸存者和家属与州和联邦教育福利计划. 有关资格和可获得的教育学分,请联系 退伍军人事务办公室将直接与学生账户合作,以确保您的福利被发布和准确.


Other organizations our third party area works with are:

· Mass Rehab

· Mass Commission for the Blind


Due Dates

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